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Colloque internationale “Le monde et le réel” / Prague

June 12-14

The World and the Real
Le Monde et le Réel
Die Welt und das Reale

An International Conference organized by the Central European Institute of Philosophy (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague and the Institute of Philosophy at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Supported by the program Progres Q 21 „Text and Image in Phenomenology and Semiotics“ at the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, and by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech  Academy of Science.

Programme_The World and the Real

Venue: Prague 1, Academic Conference Center, Husova 4a

Tuesday 12. June

9:00 Denis Seron (Université Liège) : Apparence et réalité

10:00 Kwok-Ying LAU (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) : Modern Science and Forgetting of Intuitive Nature: Reflections from Husserl’s Krisis

11:15 Karel Novotný (FLÚ AV ČR/FHS UK Praha ): Die phänomenologischen Weltbegriffe

14:45 Daniele de Santis (University of Rome II Tor Vergata) : Husserl, the Notion of Synthesis and the One Real World

15:45 Saulius Geniusas (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) :
From the World‘s Pregivenness to its Constitution: Husserl on Apperzeption and Weltapperzeption

17:00 Antonino Mazzù (Université Libre Brussel) : Monde et Infini chez Husserl

Wednesday 13. June

9:00 Sandra Lehmann (Webster University Vienna): Die Wirklichkeit der Dinge. Eine ontologische Reflexion

10:00 Seongha Hong (Woosuk University of Jeollabukdo, Jeongju): Zum Weltphänomen bei E. Fink und J. Patočka

11:15 Ovidiu Stanciu (Romanian Society for Phenomenology): The Autonomy of the Phenomenal Field and the Uniqueness of the World. Radicalized Phenomenology and its Overcoming in Patočka and Fink

14:45 Saverio Matrangolo (University of Bergamo): The problematic evidence of the world: Jan Patočka between phenomenology and intuitive realism

15:45 Marco Barcaro (University of Padova): World and World experience in “Nitro a svět” (The inner and the world)

17:00 Filip Borek (University of Warsaw):
Das Wesen der Phänomenologie und die Idee der Ursprünglichkeit bei Patočka

Thursday 14. June

9:00 Eric Pommier (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile): La réalité de l’événement à l’épreuve de la chair chez Marion et Barbaras

10:00 István Fazakas (FHS UK Praha/FLÚ AV ČR): Phantasía et affectivité dans la constitution du monde

11:15 Michaela Summa (Universität Kassel): Imaginativer Widerstand: Das Irreale und die Vielfalt der Erfahrung

14:45 Peter Ha (Kyung-Hee University, Seoul): The Non-reappearing Reality in the Historical World by Heidegger

15:45 Tobias Keiling (Universität Würzburg): Die Welten und das Welten. Heideggers ontologischer Pluralismus

17:00 Hans Rainer Sepp (FHS UK Praha): Das Reale und die Welt

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
annecoignard (8 juin 2018). Colloque internationale “Le monde et le réel” / Prague. Master EuroPhilosophie. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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