Silvia Federici à Toulouse / 4-6 avril 2016
Silvia Federici à Toulouse
dans le cadre du programme EuroPhilosophie
4-6 avril 2016
1. Séminaire “Reproduction and feminist struggle in the construction of alternatives to capitalism and colonial relations” :
- 4 avril / Maison de la Recherche / 10h-12h (salle D31) et 14h-16h (salle D30) ;
- 6 avril / Maison de la Recherche / 14h-16h (salle D30).
2. Grande conférence suivie d’une table ronde le 5 avril / 14h-17h / Maison de la Recherche, salle D29
“Reproduction and feminist struggle in the construction of alternatives to capitalism and colonial relation”
While classic Marxist theory has privileged the factory and the industrial proletariat as respectively the primary site and subject of anti-capitalist struggles, the restructuring of the global economy and the emergence of new social movements has shifted attention to the role of reproduction in anti-hegemonic struggle.
In this seminar I discuss the significance of this theoretical and practical ‘paradigm shift’ and the role that feminist theories and movements have played in its promotion. I have divided the seminar in 3 parts.
Part 1 will examine the critique of Marxist theory and analysis of reproductive work developed by theorists of the wages for housework international campaign of the 1970s, with special attention to: the role of unpaid reproductive work in the reproduction of capitalist relations; the function of the ‘wage’ in the construction of devalued, naturalized conceptions of femininity, the structural relation between gender and racial discrimination. I will also contrast this view of the construction of femininity in capitalism with its representation in the dominant trends of feminist philosophy and social theory.
Part 2 will examine how looking at social relations from the viewpoint of reproduction affects our conception of capitalism and colonialism, past and present, in particular how it redefines the processes of originary accumulation and the present global extension of capitalist relations. After discussing some of the main themes in Caliban and the Witch, I will engage in a critical analysis of alternative accounts of the motivating forces and consequences of capitalist development , focusing upon postmodern and Marxist autonomists theories of social change.
Part 3 will examine the struggles that women in particular have made, internationally, on the terrain of reproduction –from domestic work and care work to agricultural work – investigating the changes they have brought about in the relation between women, capital and the state, and the new forms of social relation and reproduction they have created. I will focus on the relation between the demand this work be waged –through wages for housework or a guaranteed basic income– and the struggle for land reclamation and the construction of ‘reproductive commons.’
Silvia Federici, née en 1942 à Parme en Italie, est professeur émérite de l’Université Hofstra, à Long Island dans l’état de New York, où elle enseigne les sciences sociales. Avant cela, elle a enseigné à l’Université de Port Harcourt au Nigéria pendant plusieurs années. Elle a co-fondé le International Feminist Collective, a participé à l’organisation de la Wages for Housework campaign (Campagne pour un salaire domestique) et a contribué au collectif Midnight Notes. Elle a participé à créer le Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa (CAFA), et en 1995, le projet d’opposition à la peine de mort, connu comme Radical Philosophy Association (Association de philosophie radicale).
En français : Caliban et la sorcière. Femmes, corps et accumulation primitive. Entremonde/Senonevero, Genève-Paris/Marseille, 2014.
(éd.) Enduring Western Civilization. The Construction of the Concept of Western Civilization and Its “Others“. Westport, CT, et Londres, Praeger, 1995.
(éd.) A Thousand Flowers. Structural Adjustment and the Struggle for Education in Africa, Africa World Press, 2000.
(éds.) African Visions. Literary Images, Political Change, and Social Struggle in Contemporary Africa, Westport, CT, et Londres, Praeger, 2000.
Revolution at Point Zero. Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle, Brooklyn/Oakland, Common Notions/PM Press, 2012.
A télécharger
A lire en ligne
- Aux origines du capitalisme patriarcal, Contretemps, mars 2014
- Feminism and the Politics of the Commons, The Commoner, 2011
- On capitalism, colonialism, women and food politics, Politics and Culture 2009 (2) – Special Issue on Food (&) Sovereignty
- Witch-Hunting, Globalization, and Feminist Solidarity in Africa Today, The Commoner, 2008
- Notes on the edu–factory and Cognitive Capitalism, 2007 (avec George Caffentzis)
- War, Globalization and Reproduction
- Why Feminists Should Oppose Capital Punishment
- Donne, Globalizzazione e Movimento Internazionale delle Donne
Genoa and the antiglobalization movement (avec George Caffentzis) - The great Caliban:The struggle against the rebel body, extrait de Caliban et la sorcière
- All the World Needs a Jolt: Social Movements and Political Crisis in Medieval Europe, extrait de Caliban et la sorcière
- The Debt Crisis, Africa and the New Enclosures
- The War in Jugoslavia. On Whom the Bombs are Falling? (1999, avec Massimo De Angelis)
- “Il faut à tout ce monde un grand coup de fouet. Mouvements sociaux et crise politique dans l’Europe médiévale“, chapitre I de Caliban et la sorcière (éditions Entremonde), Période, mai 2014.
- “Reproduction et lutte féministe dans la nouvelle division internationale du travail“, Traduction de l’anglais (in: Dalla Costa M. and Dalla Costa, G., Eds., 1999, Women, Development and Labor of Reproduction, Struggles and Movements, Africa, World Press, Asmara, Eritrea.) réalisée par Delphine Bordier et Bernard Walter et initialement publié dans Genre, mondialisation et pauvreté. Cahiers genre et développement n°3. (Dir.) C. Verschuur, avec F. Reysoo. 45-69. Paris : L’Harmattan, désormais disponible en ligne sur Période (avril 2014).
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