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EcoPhiloS – scholarships and selection

The scholarship would be funded by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program.

Scholarship amount :

The scholarship holder would receive a monthly scholarship of €1,400 (for installation costs, travel, accommodation, meals, etc.). The total amount would be €33,600 for the two-year period.

Eligibility for the MCEM EcoPhiloS scholarship:
  • You have obtained or are in the process of obtaining a first higher education diploma (Bachelor or “Licence”) or you can attest that you have obtained or are in the process of obtaining an equivalent diploma.
  • You are fluent in French (B2 level) and at least one of the 3 other languages of instruction (English, Spanish, Portuguese).
  • You have NEVER been awarded an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship.
  • You have NOT already accepted to join a study programme funded by the European Commission in 2023-2024. Students selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship are not eligible for any other European Union funding programme at the same time.
  • You are NOT, and will not be, enrolled in a doctor programme while participating in the program. The Erasmus Mundus EuroPhilosophie Master’s scholarship does not replace funding for doctoral projects.
Selection procedure

The EuroPhilosophie program would recruit in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, primarily taking into consideration the quality of the individual research project and its contribution to the epistemological and political objectives of the program.

The evaluation would also take into account the level, field and quality of degrees obtained; professional and academic experience; fluency in French and at least one of the 3 other languages of instruction (English, Spanish, Portuguese); and the quality of the recommendation.

Each application would be evaluated by two referees teaching within the Consortium. Once all applications have been assessed, the selection committee would meet to rank the candidates and determine the award of the available scholarships.

Due to the limited number of scholarships available, some students who meet the program’s academic criteria might be admitted as non-scholarship students.

The selection committee would meet in April 2023. The results of the selection process would be communicated to applicants by email following the selection committee’s decision, subject to approval by the EACEA.

Selection criteria

Each application would be assessed by two referees from the member universities of the EcoPhiloS consortium. The scores awarded would enable the coordinating office to draw up an initial ranking, which would then serve as the basis for deliberation by the selection committee. The final ranking of applications and award of scholarships would be decided at the consortium committee meeting.

Applications would be evaluated according to a grid of 9 criteria:

Criterion 1 (coefficient 3) - General level of the student quality of diplomas: candidat's examen results, level of diplomas obtiained, quality of institutions of origin
Criterion 2 (coefficient 3) – Field of diplomas
Criterion 3 (coefficient 1)  –  Professional experience: teaching experience, for example
Criterion 4 (coefficient 2) – French skills
Criterion 5 (coefficient 2) – Language skills of one of the 3 other languages of instruction 
Criterion 6 (coefficient 1) – Academic experience: e.g. publications, participation in workshops, summer schools, seminars, colloquia, organization of scientific events, awards
Criterion 7 (coefficient 3) – Relevance of the study project to the study programme
Criterion 8 (coefficient 3) – Quality of the research project: evaluation of the motivation of the candidat, the relevance and the rigor of the research project submitted
Criterion 9 (coefficient 2) – Recommandations

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alexandra Kunstler (1 septembre 2023). EcoPhiloS – scholarships and selection. Master EuroPhilosophie. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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